While I had a blast in Hawaii, I swear I came back 10lbs heavier. So in my quest to counteract my weight gain, I have been hitting up the gym. Yesterday I went to a Dance Jam class. The dancing was ok and the music was meh. Let’s just say I like to work out to down south crunk trap music not Taylor Swift. So you know I got excited when the instructor started playing music for the Wobble. I was ready. FINALLY some music I can gig too. Everything was going great until the whole class started doing the Wobble WRONG! They were going in the wrong direction. Meanwhile I was doing it correctly and they were looking at me like I was crazy. Excuse me? So this instructor was teaching all of these lily stay at home moms the dance wrong. I was so annoyed. Really? Some things need to be left sacred….and the Wobble is that. Now this dance has been out for at least 6 years – long enough for everyone to learn the proper steps and for us to move on to a new line dance. Have you heard of the Biker Shuffle?

And a major side eye to the sistah who was asked to lead the class in this dance atrocity. You have officially lost your black card.

Also during the class, there was a lady who was doing every move but the right one. It was actually throwing me off. And of course she wanted to stand right next to me. This added to my annoyance. So needless to say, I opted to walk on the treadmill today. For anyone wanting to find out the RIGHT way to do The Wobble, check it out below.

But if you can dance like this fella, feel free to change it up.