I have been at this natural game for the majority of my life. I had a brief moment with a perm when I cut my hair really short ala Nia Long because I was so inspired by her hair in The Best Man. But for the most part I have always been natural. Now granted, I did wear my hair in a press-n-curl but nonetheless I was natural. Although the majority of my life I’ve lived relaxer free, I am not very talented when it comes to doing my own hair in cute natural styles. But I’m working on trying to change that in 2014. The other night I spent about a good hour watching bantu knot-out tutorials on YouTube because I wanted to try a new look. After watching the videos I set out to do my own bantu-knots because I wanted to rock a bantu knot-out the next day. I really thought I did a good job at it. The knots looked good. I didn’t even have to pin my hair for them to stay knotted.
But when it came down to letting my bantu knots down the next day, my hair looked crazy. I’m talking cray-cray. What was I going to do? My hair wasn’t stretched enough to put it in a bun. I didn’t have any hair scarves that matched my dress to put it in a turban. Nor did I have any hats that would work. I started to panic. I figured an up-do would work but as I mentioned, I don’t have talent when it comes to my hair.
Wearing | Forever21 Sweater Dress | Lucky Earrings | ShoeDazzle Thigh-High Boots
I was out of options so I decided to search on YouTube anyway for up-do tutorials. I ended up picking one and attempted to recreate the style. I got a little lazy at the end and I was in a rush so I half arsed it. But I think it came out OK. Below is the video I used.
Have you ever tried a hair style and it goes completely wrong? What did you do to fix it?
I love your outfit – YES to stripes and body cons! Your hair looks great too. Thanks for linking up, and I hope to see you next week. XO!
Thank you for stopping by. I will be sure to link up next week!