Back in my younger years I was a mall rat. Every weekend I would hit the mall with my friends armed with spending money from my parents or babysitting gigs.  And after our shopping excursion, we always had to end on a sweet note at Cinnabon.

There aren’t any malls in NYC, but thanks to Pinnacle I can still get my Cinnabon fix. Pinnacle teamed up with Cinnabon and created a vodka that is just as tasty as my food court favorite. There is finally a Cinnabon that can actually get you drunk. Who doesn’t want to get cinna-wasted? #iwantpinnaclecinnabon

The novelty liquor “combines the decadent flavors of cinnamon, brown sugar and rich cream-cheese frosting with hints of caramel to create a taste reminiscent of warm, freshly baked cinnamon rolls.” The 70-proof vodka is perfect in brunch cocktails.

Last weekend I was invited by Pinnacle to celebrate their launch of the Cinnabon flavored vodka at their #IWantPinnacleCinnabon pop-up sampling tour. I was able to try the Pinnacle Cinnabon Vodka, eat delicious Cinnabon cinnamon rolls and receive a fun Pinnacle swag bag.

24hr Brunch-5655


24hr Brunch-5481















If you plan on trying out Pinnacle Cinnabon Vodka, here are a few recipes:

Bottomless Buns

3/4 part Pinnacle Cinnabon Vodka
1 part Orange juice
Splash of Club Soda
Prepare in a rocks glass; stir and top with club soda
Garnish with canned or fresh peaches

Brunch Date

3/4 part Pinnacle® Cinnabon® Vodka
1 part Cranberry juice
Splash of Brut champagne
Mix ingredients over ice shake and strain into a champagne flute. Top with champagne
Garnish with boiled cranberries (boil in brown sugar, water and cinnamon)