I was sitting at the airport waiting for my plane to board for my next destination when I came across this article where Carnival Cruise has announced that they are banning carry-on bottled drinks to cut down on customers trying to sneak in booze. WTF? Although I’m an avid cruiser, not being allowed to bring alcohol on a cruise never bothered me because I don’t drink. Yes, you can trust folks that don’t drink. But back in the day I used to bring my own non-alcoholic beverages with me to save money. Now I just get the soda plan, but I still kind of liked having the option.

Why pay for overpriced drinks on a cruise ship? Well, you lushes don’t need to fret because I have the deets on how you can smuggle your booze onto a cruise ship, at concerts, sporting events or any place for that matter. Try the below options and enjoy the savings forever. Hide your dranky drank in plane sight! *insert sinister grin*

2. Camera Flask

3. Tampon Flask

Have you ever tried to sneak alcohol into an event? How did you do it?
I only drink on a cruise when the booze is free in the casinos. But these are good tips to pass along and I will in a future post. Thanks a Bunch!
That’s smart! The cost of alcohol can start to add up on a cruise.