Hair breakage sucks! Especially if you are on a quest to grow your hair longer. I have followed the below 3 steps religiously to stop breakage in its tracks. Try these natural hair regimens to help strengthen the hair and add shine while decreasing shedding.
Things you will need
Conditioner |
Liquid Vitamin A, D, E |
Black Strap Molasses Treatment
Start the week off with a black strap molasses treatment. Do this in the day time on dry hair. If your hair is really short you shouldn’t have to dilute the molasses, but if your hair is longer you may have to add water. It’s very messy. Use plastic gloves if you want. Cover with a plastic cap. Put on an old shirt because it’s messy. Leave molasses in hair for 1-2 hours, and co-wash it really really really well. Style as usual. Co-wash 2 more times during the week.
Scalp Treatment
Take dropper bottle and fill it up half way with jojoba oil, add 5 drops of peppermint essential oil, 5 drops of basil essential oil, and 1/2 dropper of liquid vitamin A, D and E. Fill the rest of the container with castor oil. Shake very well. Using your dropper, squeeze a few drops throughout your scalp and massage it in for at least 1-2 minutes. Do this 3 times this week.
Glycerin Mix
Vegetable glycerin & water spray bottle mix: add about 10 drops of basil and add about 1 table spoon kinky curly knot today mix well. This can be used for your baggy method. After spraying apply your favorite oil. Do the baggy method at least twice this week.
You can order all supplies from Vitacost. They are super economical.
Also try this Protein Deep Conditioner I posted last week.
Is the molasses treatment considered a protein treatment and when should it be used?
How often does one do this? Is this every week or once a month?
You should use it daily or when needed.
I finallly learn how to grow my hair back. Thanks alot