I’m currently in Atlanta being a FREElance nanny for my nieces (or my muses as I like to call them) for a few weeks. Their real nanny had to have emergency surgery so here I am. #FamilyFirst. I’m still making good on my new year’s resolution of traveling some where every month. I did Hawaii in January, Springfield, Maryland in February , Puerto Rico in March, Italy in April and now Atlanta for May. I’m trying to squeeze in a west coast trip for the end of May. *fingers crossed* Yahoo!
I’m still working on writing about my Italian adventures, but taking care of my nieces and running my online store has overshadowed my blogging a bit. I plan to work on the rest of my posts soon. But in the mean time check out a few photos of my nieces and I.
Also, I read this story today that was so fitting giving that I am currently in Atlanta. 17 Things You’re Addicted to After Living in Atlanta. I really need to check out Gladys Knight’s Chicken and Waffles. And of course I have been to Chick-Fil-A almost every day. *Sigh*