I have been on an emotional roller coaster this past weekend. Lawd! Prince’s passing just put a damper in my mood for a few days. He is one of my favorite musicians and performers. I have been fortunate to see him in concert and boy did he put on a great concert. Prince is gone too soon. It just breaks my heart.

My weekend was pretty packed. Friday, my friend had a bonfire at her house. They live in the city and the juxtaposition between the bonfire and the backdrop of downtown Detroit was pure dopeness. If you follow @TheLimerickLane on Snapchat, you may have caught some snippets of that evening. We made S’mores and roasted marshmallows. My friend introduced me to the Reese’s Peanut Butter S’mores. They were delicious. *smacks lips* The weather is still cool in Michigan so it required bundle up in a blanket. I have a bone to pick with Mother Nature. It’s damn near May and she is trippin’.
Saturday morning, another friend came into town to teach a yoga class. She came home for Christmas and taught a class but I missed it. I was super excited that she was back in Michigan to teach another class. I’ve never had a black yoga teacher and with an all black class. The music was hype. The class was lit. I haven’t taken a yoga class since I moved back from NYC. I used to go to yoga pretty often. I am not limber at all anymore. It was here where I realized that my 2016 new year’s resolution of learning how to do the splits may have to be moved to 2017.
That afternoon I went to another friend’s baby shower. It was a classy and sophisticated shower. No silly games. I love a grown-up shower.

Later that evening I watched (along with all of black Twitter) Beyoncé’s second visual album, Lemonade on HBO. It was EVERYTHING! I love the unapologetically black, black feminist and black empowerment Beyoncé. Blackity black Beyoncé.
I lost it when the mother’s of sons who were killed via police brutality were shown holding their pictures. I boo hoo’d like a baby. There were so many takeaways from the visual album but I will save that for the think pieces. But I will leave you with the following.
- Malcolm X’s words to highlight how Black women are perceived and treated holds true today.
- Serena has bawdy and knows how to werk it.
- This was the most moving visual art I’ve seen in a while.
- The incorporation of multiple genres of music into one album was genius and enjoyable.
- Bey changed the album drop game – AGAIN
- Death to ‘Becky with the good hair’
I did watch it three times.