Last night I went to my friend and fellow blogger’s, Kimberlee of I Have A Degree In This, birthday bash.  I had decided on what to wear the day before, so getting dressed for that night was easy right? Nope! When I put on the outfit I planned on wearing I didn’t like how it looked on me.  Now what to do?  Of course I waited until the last minute to get dressed and had to leave out the door in time to make it to the party before midnight.  The party was free before midnight and you know my frugal behind was not trying to pay! I decided to keep the top I had on and change into my new harem pants instead of the skirt I had originally planned on wearing.  Those that really know me, know that I never wear pants ever, except jeans.  I had purchased these pants for $16  when I was home in Michigan.  I really liked them, but my mother wouldn’t sign off on them.  She said "I didn’t like them when MC. Hammer wore them and I don’t like them now!".  But I really liked them!! So I decided to keep them since I only paid $16. I always go to my mother for fashion advice because she can dress her tail off, but I still have veto power.

Apostrophe, Forever21, JCrew

Forever21 Top | JCrew Belt | Apostrophe Pants | Payless Wedges

I mapped out how far I needed to walk before making a shoe selection.  I had to walk about 8 blocks to get to the party so I needed some sensible shoes.  I wore my Payless Wedges that I was gifted from my appearance on the Nate Berkus Show.  These wedges are so comfy.  They fit me perfectly because they are size "wide".  I have wide retail feet.  My real shoe size is a 7 1/2 wide, but I always have to purchase a size 8 or 8 1/2 to make up for my width.  And all I end up doing is sliding to the front of my shoes when I walk because they are too long.  That is painful too.  Therefore, I’m on the hunt for cute trendy shoes that come in a wide width!! If you have any suggestions, let a sister know!!

NYC New York Color Nail Polish

NYC New York Color Nail Color in Lemon Cream | DKNY Watch | Bracelet from Croatia

I even painted my nails for the occasion.  I don’t ever paint my nails.  I believe some things should be left to the professionals.  After watching several YouTube videos on self-manicures, I went ahead and gave myself one.  I used to paint my nails all the time in my pre-teens and they used to look great.  My nails didn’t come out perfect this time, but with practice I should get better.  Any suggestions on a great base coat?

Kimberlee and myself

Ladorian, Kimberlee, and myself

My self portraits came out horrible! It looks like I used a regular point and shoot, but I used my DSLR camera with my remote.  I need to work on taking self portraits.  This was my 1st time using my remote. The shadows are crazy.