I know I’m 9 days late.  But here it is just in case you want to play along too.


This is how you play along via Fat Mum Slim:

This {above} is a photo a day challenge list for April. The idea is that you use your camera phone or camera and take a photo each day using the list as inspiration. For example: with the prompt ‘your reflection’ you would take a photo of yourself in a mirror, in the reflection of a lake, or even in the reflection of a window or kettle. It can by any reflection. There are no rules for this except to have fun!

So once you’ve taken a photo, what do you do with it? Share it! Here’s how to share it on different platforms:

INSTAGRAM: Upload your photo to Instagram, add a sweet filter and put #photoadayApril in the caption so others can see your photos {share to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr etc from Instagram if you like}

TWITTER: Upload your photo to Instagram, add some words to describe it and use the hashtag #photoadayApril so others can see your photos

FACEBOOK: Create an album titled something like, Photo a Day April, and make the album public, then upload your photos. It’s a good idea to upload the list too so you can refer to it and others can see what you’re doing. You can also share your photos on my Fat Mum Slim Facebook page. Or tag my page in your photos instead.

PINTEREST: Upload your photos to a board, and use the hashtag #photoadayApril so that others can search for them.

BLOGS & TUMBLR: Upload your photos to your blog or Tumblr and share with the world.

FLICKR: Share your photos in the Photo a day April group.

You can share the links to where ever you’re sharing the photos in the comments below if you like.

Once you’ve uploaded your own photo then go and look at other people’s photos, comment on them, like them and be part of this great community.

In March there were over 1,052,000 photos shared on Instagram alone. I think if we could count the photos on every platform we’d have well over 1.5 million. Well over! Good work everyone! Thanks for playing along.

Please feel free to share the list where ever you like. It’s our list as a community, so please put it up where ever you want.