I am writing this post at 6:43am this morning because I have a case of insomnia.  I have been up since 2am.  And what have I been doing for the last 5 hours? I have been on Pinterest.  Pinning EVERYTHING!  Goodness, that site is addicting and inspiring at the same time.  *Cue Future performing Same Damn Time*

I was having trouble figuring out how to pin something and have it directly point to the actual blog post rather than the domain name of the blog, so I had to Google for some help.  In my search, I ended up finding this great rundown of tips and tricks created by Amy Lynn Andrews.

The Ultimate List of Pinterest Tips covers everything you need to know about Pinterest.


Please check out Amy’s blog for more tips on how to navigate Pinterest.  If you are a fellow blogger like myself, she offers some awesome tips on driving traffic back to your website or blog.

Don’t forget to follow The Limerick Lane on Pinterest too!