Hi! Remember me? I can’t believe my last post was in February. It’s been a long time and I miss writing. So many life changes has kept me away from my blog. I had surgery at the end of February, diagnosed with ANOTHER sleeping disorder and my aunt passed away. I’m no longer a 9-5 slave and have been focused on my side hustle which is doing really well. Hopefully this will provide me with more opportunity to do what I love to do which is travel. I only have two upcoming trips on the books right now. But I’m excited because I’m taking my nieces to Europe for a few weeks. Auntie doesn’t do Disneyland but I’m all about taking my Jr. Nomads across the pond. We are going to have a ball. I also have a trip planned to Australia later in the year. I heard Aussie men love black women. Is that true? I may come back with an Aussie boo thang. You never know.

I have so much to tell you guys. Although I haven’t been writing, I’ve been living. I went on a few trips while I was away from the blog. I finally went up north in Michigan. I’ve never done that before. Black people don’t usually go ‘up north’. We go down south. But it was a very fun weekend. My surgery (which I will write about soon) was the BEST decision of my life. Well, I’ve had the surgery before but the doctor I chose this time was AMAZING! A procedure that has a recovery time of 2 months was shortened to 2 weeks because of his technique. I can’t wait to give you a more in depth review of the procedure.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned before about my sleeping disorder. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy about 10 years ago. Before my diagnosis I was constantly sleepy. It was so hard for me to get up in the morning for work. I would sleep all day on my day off and would still be tired. Here is a great write-up on what it’s like to live with Narcolepsy. It was a constant struggle. It is a constant struggle because I decided to go off of my meds many years ago. The medication I was on made me feel lethargic. And I also didn’t want to be dependent on prescription drugs for the rest of my life. Fast forward to now, I had been feeling even more tired than my normal exhaustion. I had another overnight and day sleep test and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I swear I hit a certain age and my body has gone to hell. I will go into detail in another post but I will say my new cPap machine has me feeling much better. I will still need to take a nap during the day but I’m not sleeping all day. And my attitude has been better. I used to snap at people because I was extremely exhausted.

So that’s the short recap on what has been going on in the last two months I was missing. I’m happy to be back. Stay tuned for more.
