It’s been a minute since I posted.  I have been crazy busy trying to prepare for my mother’s arrival tomorrow.  I have spent the last week cleaning and gutting my apartment. You know how it is.  I’m going to pretend that I always live in such a pristine environment.  Of course she knows me better than that.  Here are some Instagram photos I took last week.

1.  My frequent trips to Jamba Juice were getting costly so I went out and purchased a new juicer by Juiceman from Target.  I have been making fresh Orange Juice with my new juicer.  I no longer drink conventional orange juice after reading this great article by Erika Nicole Kendall of Black Girls Guide To Weight Loss.  It’s a great read.  You will be surprised at all of the nutrients manufacturers remove from orange juice and all of the crap they put in it.

2.  My Curlformers arrived.  I had been debating on whether or not to spend the money for them.  I can’t wait to try them out.

3.  Tried on a dozen of nude lipsticks from M.A.C. Cosmetics.  I ended up with Fresh Brew and Siss.

4.  I made homemade potato chips.  Less the calories and fat.  Stay tuned for the recipe. I will post it on the blog soon.

5.  Out and about in the city.