I don’t know about you guys, but I think the price of Tend Skin is outrageously expensive for what’s actually in it.  I have been using Tend Skin for a couple years.  I just wish I knew how to make it a long time ago.  I could have saved a bunch of cash.

For those not familiar with Tend Skin, it is a liquid astringent that improves the appearance of unsightly razor bumps, ingrown hairs, razor burn and redness from shaving, waxing, and electrolysis. Tend Skin is also used after facials to reduce bump formation after skin extractions.  And if you have stinky feet, you can use it as a foot deodorant. Just put it on your feet before putting your on your shoes and socks.

This recipe is really cheap and it actually works. I purchased all of my ingredients from CVS but they are available on Amazon too. Tend Skin costs about $35 for an 8oz container. This recipe costs less than $3 for an 8oz batch.


What you need:
Uncoated Aspirin
70% Alcohol
Witch Hazel or Hydrogen Peroxide
2 bottles used to shake mixtures
1 8oz or more bottle/container to keep finished product

What you do:

  1. Pour 5.5oz of 70% alcohol into one bottle.
  2. Drop 18 uncoated aspirins into the alcohol. Cap bottle and shake.
  3. Pour 2.5oz of witch hazel into the second bottle.
  4. Drop 8 uncoated aspirins into the witch hazel. Cap bottle and shake.
  5. Add 1 tablespoon of glycerin.
  6. Wait awhile (30 minutes to a whole day) for the aspirins to dissolve in the liquids. Shake occasionally to help dissolve aspirin and mix. NOTE: not all of the aspirin will dissolve. That’s OK, some of it never will.
  7. Now combine both the alcohol and witch hazel mixtures together into one bottle. Make sure you shake it up before you pour them out so you also get the aspirin residue into the new bottle.

This last bottle is your Tendskin! Use 1-2 a day. Reduce usage if you experience dryness or flaking or irritation. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO ASPIRIN. Make sure you shake it well before each use.


The Uncoated Aspirin I found at CVS


I used my food scale to get accurate measurements of ingredients.


I used an old Tend Skin bottle and filled it with my recipe.

You can buy all of the ingredients here.

Do you use Tend Skin? I would love to hear your results, if you make this recipe.

Disclaimer: Please note that trying this recipe is AT YOUR OWN RISK. You should be aware of potential allergic reactions to products. What works for one person may not work well for another or may be difficult to reproduce in the same concentration.
